Thursday, September 25, 2008

Why can't we be friends?

Why can't we be friends?- Iknow it's part of a song; but come on, really think about it, how do we usually select our friends?...A lot of people select friends because of their looks and their popularity. What ever happened to saying, Look inside their heart that's where the real person is; not what's on the outside or how popular they are? First of all, it's really sad to hear at school that people say they are really good friends in front of someones face, but once that someone turns their back for one second, that person that was saying all those good things, is suddenly telling everyone that someones deepest secrets. Then the other person realizes it, and they start doing the exact same thing. Where is the point in all of this? It usually never ends up well for either person; one barrier of trust, shattered into peices all over the floor for both participating parties. We should look for the good in others, always. I am not saying, however, that I am perfect in any way. I make mistakes; we all do. But, all I am saying is that we should all reach out to someone we don't normally talk to. I Love this quote by Emily Dickinson,
"They might not need me; but they might. I'll let my head be just in sight; a smile as small as mine might be precisely their necessity."

You may ask, "What in the world does this have to do with being friends?" Well, let me explain. I don't know if all of you know what it's like to feel alone, truly alone. Like there is no one in the whole world who knows how you feel. But, there are many people in the world having those same feelings as you. Everyone has bad days but remember this:
"You are worth more than you know to so many people; never settle for anything less."--E.N.Sume

signing out!

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